Friday 28 August 2009


The title of my article review is “Multimedia Technology: Teachers’ Knowledge and Attitudes”. The article was taken from an online journal, CALL – EJ Online, Vol. 8, No. 2, January 2007. (ISSN 1442-438X). The authors are Joseph Ramanair and Gerald Uyu Sagat. Joseph Ramnair is a lecturer at the Centre for Language Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak in East Malaysia. He is involved in teacher training for both pre-service and in-service programmed. Gerald Uyu Sagat is an ESL teacher at a local government school in Sarawak, Malaysia.

This article is about investigating the correlation between the English Language Teachers attitudes towards multimedia technology and their background knowledge in using multimedia technology. The author at first describe about what is Multimedia Technology and the connection between teachers and multimedia. The author also explains the different roles of computers such as a tutor, a tool, and a tutee. For the research, the authors used a cross-sectional study using a quantitative and qualitative descriptive survey questionnaire as an instrument to elicit the participants’ response. The data was obtained using the Likert scale based questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 3 sections. First section is to determine teacher’s background knowledge in using multimedia technology. Second section was to determine teacher’s attitude towards multimedia technology and the last section consists of a list of open ended questions to find out about their opinions on the importance of training using multimedia technology. The instrument designed is based on Robertson et al (1995) list of items of computer attitudes. The subject/ sample of the research are 50 secondary school English Language teachers at the Form 1 level from 20 schools. Criterion-based sampling is the method used for random selection of the sample. Based on the findings, the authors found out that 14% of the teachers scored a low or below average in their level of knowledge in multimedia study. 48% has an average level of knowledge and the 38% left recorded an above average or high score of knowledge in Multimedia Technology. For the teachers’ attitude, 80% of the teachers expressed positive attitudes towards multimedia Technology and the remaining 20% indicated negative attitudes and neutral attitudes towards Multimedia Technology. There is a positive correlation between the English Language Teachers’ knowledge in Multimedia Technology and their attitude towards multimedia Technology as shown in the positive score of r = +0.8034407. The author also found that 92% of the respondents believe that they would benefit if more training are provided. Only 4% of the respondents recorded non use of computers.

The research does interest me particularly. The teachers’ attitude towards multimedia has always been one of the debated issues in the learning of English Language in schools. In my opinion the research is quite well conducted but I think there are room for improvement like, the participants of the study can be increased to more than 50 participants as if there is more participants/ sample the result of the study will be more concrete. In my opinion, the research does have implications in the teaching and learning of ESL. First, I think that, by understanding the teachers knowledge and attitudes towards the Multimedia Technology a strategy can be devised on how to improve the teachers’ ability in using the Technology. This research will open the eyes of the management on how important that the teachers need the training they needed in order to be able to use the Multimedia Technology in the classroom and improve the teachers’ current knowledge on Multimedia Technology. This research also shows that teachers’ currently have more positive views toward Multimedia Technology which I think is very important in order the implementation of CALL in classroom. Teachers who have positive attitudes and open mind about using the technologies will make the vision of implementing CALL in classroom be attainable. Overall, the research is good in understanding how knowledge and teachers’ attitude towards multimedia technology plays a big role in its implementation in the classroom setting. As the author stated, “a consideration of teachers' attitudes and knowledge is essential to ensure that the CALL enterprise will achieve the potentials it deserves. And this requires time, concentration and support, involving long term viable efforts. After all, Rome was not built in a day.”


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for reviewing my paper and the suggestions made. Let me know if you need any further information
